I talked to a very nice lady at work today, she was making a reservation for her son at a hotel in Times Square.
I try to be as nice as I can on the phone, and she was super sweet, and while talking to her, she asked me what I wanted for Christmas...
I laughed for a moment and answered: "A camera..."
After finishing her reservation, she thanked me for being so nice and helpful, and said "Well, I really wish you get your camera for Christmas!"
I told her "Well, me too, but if I don't get it, I'll buy it myself"....She laughed, and thanked me again, and I answered the next call with a smile.
Silly, I know....but I thought it was super sweet of her. I felt like writing about it.
So, there.
Thank you. I'm still wondering how my troubles will pan out. We'll see.
It is nice to have conversations that make you laugh. I hope you get a new camera for christmas. I need a new camera.