Pudding is such an underrated food.
I mean, nobody eats it anymore. Not when there's ice cream and cake and all of those other goodies.
Well, nobody but me, of course.
Pudding, for me, has this odd ability to stir up fond childhood memories. Memories of my pink lunchbox, PB&J... little Snack Packs...
It just has the ability to cheer me up, no matter how down I may be.
I say we bring it back.
I mean, nobody eats it anymore. Not when there's ice cream and cake and all of those other goodies.
Well, nobody but me, of course.
Pudding, for me, has this odd ability to stir up fond childhood memories. Memories of my pink lunchbox, PB&J... little Snack Packs...
It just has the ability to cheer me up, no matter how down I may be.
I say we bring it back.

OI OI Hows tricks? Blah Blah Goin to any good shows?
i never really liked pudding. or jello. but i am part of the crowd that loves cake & cupcake!@# oh cupcakes. jeez those are amazing.