1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie. (or in some cases, just remember them.)
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it correctly and the name of the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb/Wikiquote search functions. That would be cheatin'.
1) "I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got."
2) "Someone has to pay, Lenny. Somebody always pays."
3) "You don't ask for help in America. You demand it. Trick-or-treat- you don't ask, you threaten."
4) "I will drop-kick those fuckin' dogs if they come near me."
5) "By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me."
6) "Why can't we have frankfurters?"
"Because this is a Russian tearoom."
7) "Not funny 'ha-ha', funny queer"
8) "I sell biscuits and gravy all over the Southland."
9) "Someday this war's gonna end... "
10) "It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby."
11) "He didn't teach you how to win, he taught you how not to lose."
12) "A little religious communication might not be a bad idea at this stage of the game. Now myself, I don't take any chances, I talk to Mohammed, Buddha, Mr. Jesus H. Christ Himself and any other religious honchos I can come up with."
13) "Obviously you're not a golfer."
14) "I'm not a hero. We'd all be heroes if we quit using petroleum, though."
15) "I know kung fu."
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie. (or in some cases, just remember them.)
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it correctly and the name of the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb/Wikiquote search functions. That would be cheatin'.
1) "I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told, and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got."
2) "Someone has to pay, Lenny. Somebody always pays."
3) "You don't ask for help in America. You demand it. Trick-or-treat- you don't ask, you threaten."
4) "I will drop-kick those fuckin' dogs if they come near me."
5) "By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me."
6) "Why can't we have frankfurters?"
"Because this is a Russian tearoom."
7) "Not funny 'ha-ha', funny queer"
8) "I sell biscuits and gravy all over the Southland."
9) "Someday this war's gonna end... "
10) "It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby."
11) "He didn't teach you how to win, he taught you how not to lose."
12) "A little religious communication might not be a bad idea at this stage of the game. Now myself, I don't take any chances, I talk to Mohammed, Buddha, Mr. Jesus H. Christ Himself and any other religious honchos I can come up with."
13) "Obviously you're not a golfer."
14) "I'm not a hero. We'd all be heroes if we quit using petroleum, though."
15) "I know kung fu."