Yey! Talking to a person!
Oops! Transferred to a new person. Back on hold.
What else? Have I mentioned that moving to a new city has made me horny as hell? Why does that happen?
Seriously. I was all about my bank teller the other day. She was friendly, but was she checking-my-balance-have-a-nice-day friendly, or was she hey-look-at-these friendly? How to tell? The world spins on the answer to that question.
Oops! Transferred to a new person. Back on hold.
What else? Have I mentioned that moving to a new city has made me horny as hell? Why does that happen?
Seriously. I was all about my bank teller the other day. She was friendly, but was she checking-my-balance-have-a-nice-day friendly, or was she hey-look-at-these friendly? How to tell? The world spins on the answer to that question.