Thanks to my buddies, I have your emails, so I will keep in touch with you after my subsription expires. Hopefully I will be be able to renew sometime soon.
Question Time:
1) What novel/short story you feel is "you", why?
2) Marilyn Monroe or Betty Page
3) Bad Religion or Postal Service?
4) Camus or Kerouac?
5) Less Filling or Tastes Great?
6) Red & White, or Maroon & Orange?
Question Time:
1) What novel/short story you feel is "you", why?
2) Marilyn Monroe or Betty Page
3) Bad Religion or Postal Service?
4) Camus or Kerouac?
5) Less Filling or Tastes Great?
6) Red & White, or Maroon & Orange?
I don't know if I thanked you for coming to the show, but if not thanks!! You rule.