my head is full of dizziness and I feel like my stomach is sinking and i'm going down and i know the ground is going to be harder than my skin can take.
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Monday May 07, 2007
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Monday Apr 02, 2007
For your attention and perusal: Excerpts from my scattered notes, pl… -
Sunday Jan 14, 2007
Christ, this has been neglected a long time indeed. Life is good. … -
Monday Aug 14, 2006
When I get angry, I get quiet. I get tense, and my face generally bec… -
Sunday Aug 13, 2006
Going to keep this short really. Things have been ticking over nicely… -
Sunday Jul 30, 2006
I think life is catching up with me. I feel so tired. Sitting in a da… -
Monday Jul 24, 2006
After a fun friday, a dubious saturday, and a sleepy sunday, my post-… -
Tuesday Jul 18, 2006
"Sometimes you see right through me!" howled the figure on stage, eye… -
Wednesday Jul 12, 2006
Good afternoon INTARWUBS! So a couple of weeks back I turned to Ka… -
Thursday Jul 06, 2006
I'm gonna run briefly through the stuff in-between now and my last up…