My moods have been like a yo-yo recently, swaying between manic energy and tired, tetchy irritability. The kind where I just go silent and everything grates and I turn my semi-problems into melodrama.
Long hours at work and the commute have cut into my sleep, and it's been building up over weeks. It's getting to the point where I'm just going to piss off the people I love. I think it's time to cool my jets, relax, sleep and not push myself to fill my schedule every waking hour.
Sometime I feel like I have to see my friends, to make the most of potential experiences. But I think it's just going to burn me out, because it's not allowing for how tired I am after work or that I need time to rest.
I think I'll just bury my phone in the yard for a while, leave it out of reach, drink something warm and hibernate a little. Work should be calming down somewhat now, fingers crossed. Just need to step back and let things die down, and not be on people's backs all the time.
I think it's time to look ahead at the summer, and where I might get some holiday time...
Roll on Easter weekend