For your attention and perusal:
Excerpts from my scattered notes, please comment after for my own benefit.
In the vain of Hunter S Thompson:
God, this swaying carriage is awash with bilious bastards, each riddled through with long streaks of piss-stench pride, just waiting to vomit their bland tediums all over me.
Jesus, I knew I should have brought the bat.
It may have been the godawful concoction of Vodka and Whiskey the barman forced (Forced!) upon me earlier, but the very presence of the man sat across the table fuddled my brain and slowed my vision, as he chattered and whooped like some deranged, gesticulating primate, sent from the depths of darkest Congo to wage war upon my peace of mind.
Saturation point has come, my brain brimming with images and text garnered from this overlong day, ready to erupt in a fountain spewing pop culture references and fashionable errata all over the stunned faces of my fellow travellers.
"Freak power!" he cried, and they rose up all over the land, those four-thumbed fatalists with something to shout.
Lost in America's global daydream they took a new Bible, preaching excess and inquiry, depraved dialogues charting their binge-ridden lucid nightmares of hypocrisy and death.
With dog-eared tongues and tooth-marked pens they scrawled out scathing screeds to tar the feathered vultures on their ivory heights.
The cheap coffee clutched between my gloved hands fails to spread it's warmth beyond my palms, my arms still clinging to their Winter chill.
It's small comfort compared to the warmth I felt just a few hours ago. But I lost it.
I lost it, and am lost myself, lost enough to find my body washed up in this spiritless cafe, and my mind wandering the night.
I am damned, now.
The last bit is a seed of something I can't yet determine, but a seed nonetheless.
Everything... this world is illuminated, the hearts of my friends like red-draped lanterns suspended over dark waters.
And beyond them, beauty like no other as souls work in concert and cradle our minds, if only for a moment.
Excerpts from my scattered notes, please comment after for my own benefit.
In the vain of Hunter S Thompson:
God, this swaying carriage is awash with bilious bastards, each riddled through with long streaks of piss-stench pride, just waiting to vomit their bland tediums all over me.
Jesus, I knew I should have brought the bat.
It may have been the godawful concoction of Vodka and Whiskey the barman forced (Forced!) upon me earlier, but the very presence of the man sat across the table fuddled my brain and slowed my vision, as he chattered and whooped like some deranged, gesticulating primate, sent from the depths of darkest Congo to wage war upon my peace of mind.
Saturation point has come, my brain brimming with images and text garnered from this overlong day, ready to erupt in a fountain spewing pop culture references and fashionable errata all over the stunned faces of my fellow travellers.
"Freak power!" he cried, and they rose up all over the land, those four-thumbed fatalists with something to shout.
Lost in America's global daydream they took a new Bible, preaching excess and inquiry, depraved dialogues charting their binge-ridden lucid nightmares of hypocrisy and death.
With dog-eared tongues and tooth-marked pens they scrawled out scathing screeds to tar the feathered vultures on their ivory heights.
The cheap coffee clutched between my gloved hands fails to spread it's warmth beyond my palms, my arms still clinging to their Winter chill.
It's small comfort compared to the warmth I felt just a few hours ago. But I lost it.
I lost it, and am lost myself, lost enough to find my body washed up in this spiritless cafe, and my mind wandering the night.
I am damned, now.
The last bit is a seed of something I can't yet determine, but a seed nonetheless.
Everything... this world is illuminated, the hearts of my friends like red-draped lanterns suspended over dark waters.
And beyond them, beauty like no other as souls work in concert and cradle our minds, if only for a moment.