Tuesday. Ahh, tuesday, night of unexpected events.
I'd gone to York in the afternoon to meet up with Hannah for a gig that evening. Despite me getting there at a reasonable hour, we didn't care over much about the support bands and so decided to spend a little more time than usual in the Evil Eye. Bad idea (debatably). What followed was a bevy of delicious and mildly lethal drinks from the revitalised menu including ones with names like Red-headed slut (a special halloween shooter), Drunk Monk (our old friend absinthe), Lynchburg Lemonade, Long Island Ice Tea, and MORE. Considering we had about 5 cocktails apiece and each contained at least three shots of alcohol, I think you can get a feeling of what we were getting ourselves into. It must be said that neither Hannah nor I had had much food that day, bar some crisps and jerky after we'd already made some headway, and that we are very poor at pacing ourselves. We slam drinks down our necks with aplomb. Well, if not slam then at least not linger longer over them.
Regardless, we stumbled to Fibbers to see Milburn and, to our surprise, found we were still in time to see the support bands. Our drunken intolerance ensured that we met their mediocre music with disdain and a move to the bar, where a couple of double vodka cokes were summarily executed over the course of the next band and the first songs of Milburn. Eventually we realised that Milburn's rather dire sub-Arctic Monkey's styled indie riffery wasn't worth our time, and so we adjourned toward the station.
Now, I fully intended to go home at this point. Well, mostly... You see, Hannah was planning to meet a couple of friends in going to trendy-with-a-slice-of-indie nightclub Tops (Toffs?), and so I damned the consequences and joined her. While it was generally fun, with a couple more drinks drunk and entertainment supplied by the DJ (and sometimes tormenting him with elitism), it did sour a little due to a few factors I'll not bother to outline here. Afterwards we made the long walk back to hers and, fortified with a bacon sarnie, I kipped on a spare mattress in her lounge.
The next morning a slightly delicate Hannah saw me over to the station and I was going to have a quiet night (I neglected my tutorial, pleading excessive tiredness). But lo, a text from Gemma and later that night she joins Ryan and I, as well as Ian and Mike, to have some drinks and watch Sin City, High Fidelity, that kind of thing. Nick's dumped her, it seems for good this time, so fueled by alcohol we have a long discussion about their relationship, relationships in general, sex, bras... a whole host of things. Despite the sad catalyst, it was an enjoyable evening. I may have mildly ticked off Mike though by periodically pre-empting lines from High Fidelity. What can I say, I like it a lot.
Thursday was fun too. Hannah came over in the afternoon, the rest of my day being quiet (bar laundry), and I met her outside H&M where she'd done some shopping to go to Starbucks for warmth. After chatting over coffee, we moved up the road to my beloved If Bar and it's 5-9pm happy hour, with cocktails at 2.50 a pop. We got a platter for dinner and had a couple of drinks, and Kitty even joined us for a while. I don't know her well so Hannah talked to her mostly, but it's good to see that a Wife, distant as she may be, is doing well.
Then from that we spent a little time at mine, burning CDs and watching a music video or two (with a grand tour thrown in) before heading to the Brudenell Social Club to see Architecture in Helsinki (a report on that to come). They were lovely, and after she headed off I got some merch and relaxed at home.
Oy vey, this is getting long. And I wonder why I have no money. Not much left...
Friday was just a tutorial, then I went to the train station and met up with Lucy on the train home. Had a nice few hours chatting to her about relationships and other topics far and wide, her on the Cider and me on the Vodka coke. Don't judge us too harshly dear reader, as our long journey led us straight to Quarantine just shy of 11pm, so we felt we couldn't go in straight. We quickly hooked up with the gang, as the whole reason for my return was because so many wives seemed to be about this weekend. Lizie, Hannah, Jenzo, Sam, Rich, Natalie, Blackie, Christie... and more. Alan too. It was great fun, although my emo garb didn't serve me so well as Lizie felt the need to swap shirts with me. Fine for her, but in return I received an extra-small button-up. This combined with the Wives' propensity for undoing the popper-style buttons would have surely seen me flush red had I not been rather drunk, but as it was it led to a few laughs and a few nice things.
The next day Lizie and I went to Reading so she could get her ears taken up another notch, and then we did some shopping. Getting back was hell though, as replacement buses led to confusion and us spending nearly three hours on coaches trying to reach Wokingham, via Guildford. Not nice.
After popping home for some dinner, I dropped by Lizie's and after we got ready we headed to the Adge. Sadly most of the wives failed to come out, so the night was a lot quieter. We saw Holly, and thankfully Blackie appeared to instigate our dancing, but the tail end of the night was spent with Jenzo in her car, listening to Phil Collins and talking. Not a bad night, but made us realise that we only really go to the Adge for want of someplace better.
Today was spent sorting myself out, and tonight it's off to Fab with Gemma, Anja, and Ryan.
I'll try to stop doing such mammoth updates, break it down a bit...
I'd gone to York in the afternoon to meet up with Hannah for a gig that evening. Despite me getting there at a reasonable hour, we didn't care over much about the support bands and so decided to spend a little more time than usual in the Evil Eye. Bad idea (debatably). What followed was a bevy of delicious and mildly lethal drinks from the revitalised menu including ones with names like Red-headed slut (a special halloween shooter), Drunk Monk (our old friend absinthe), Lynchburg Lemonade, Long Island Ice Tea, and MORE. Considering we had about 5 cocktails apiece and each contained at least three shots of alcohol, I think you can get a feeling of what we were getting ourselves into. It must be said that neither Hannah nor I had had much food that day, bar some crisps and jerky after we'd already made some headway, and that we are very poor at pacing ourselves. We slam drinks down our necks with aplomb. Well, if not slam then at least not linger longer over them.
Regardless, we stumbled to Fibbers to see Milburn and, to our surprise, found we were still in time to see the support bands. Our drunken intolerance ensured that we met their mediocre music with disdain and a move to the bar, where a couple of double vodka cokes were summarily executed over the course of the next band and the first songs of Milburn. Eventually we realised that Milburn's rather dire sub-Arctic Monkey's styled indie riffery wasn't worth our time, and so we adjourned toward the station.
Now, I fully intended to go home at this point. Well, mostly... You see, Hannah was planning to meet a couple of friends in going to trendy-with-a-slice-of-indie nightclub Tops (Toffs?), and so I damned the consequences and joined her. While it was generally fun, with a couple more drinks drunk and entertainment supplied by the DJ (and sometimes tormenting him with elitism), it did sour a little due to a few factors I'll not bother to outline here. Afterwards we made the long walk back to hers and, fortified with a bacon sarnie, I kipped on a spare mattress in her lounge.
The next morning a slightly delicate Hannah saw me over to the station and I was going to have a quiet night (I neglected my tutorial, pleading excessive tiredness). But lo, a text from Gemma and later that night she joins Ryan and I, as well as Ian and Mike, to have some drinks and watch Sin City, High Fidelity, that kind of thing. Nick's dumped her, it seems for good this time, so fueled by alcohol we have a long discussion about their relationship, relationships in general, sex, bras... a whole host of things. Despite the sad catalyst, it was an enjoyable evening. I may have mildly ticked off Mike though by periodically pre-empting lines from High Fidelity. What can I say, I like it a lot.
Thursday was fun too. Hannah came over in the afternoon, the rest of my day being quiet (bar laundry), and I met her outside H&M where she'd done some shopping to go to Starbucks for warmth. After chatting over coffee, we moved up the road to my beloved If Bar and it's 5-9pm happy hour, with cocktails at 2.50 a pop. We got a platter for dinner and had a couple of drinks, and Kitty even joined us for a while. I don't know her well so Hannah talked to her mostly, but it's good to see that a Wife, distant as she may be, is doing well.
Then from that we spent a little time at mine, burning CDs and watching a music video or two (with a grand tour thrown in) before heading to the Brudenell Social Club to see Architecture in Helsinki (a report on that to come). They were lovely, and after she headed off I got some merch and relaxed at home.
Oy vey, this is getting long. And I wonder why I have no money. Not much left...
Friday was just a tutorial, then I went to the train station and met up with Lucy on the train home. Had a nice few hours chatting to her about relationships and other topics far and wide, her on the Cider and me on the Vodka coke. Don't judge us too harshly dear reader, as our long journey led us straight to Quarantine just shy of 11pm, so we felt we couldn't go in straight. We quickly hooked up with the gang, as the whole reason for my return was because so many wives seemed to be about this weekend. Lizie, Hannah, Jenzo, Sam, Rich, Natalie, Blackie, Christie... and more. Alan too. It was great fun, although my emo garb didn't serve me so well as Lizie felt the need to swap shirts with me. Fine for her, but in return I received an extra-small button-up. This combined with the Wives' propensity for undoing the popper-style buttons would have surely seen me flush red had I not been rather drunk, but as it was it led to a few laughs and a few nice things.
The next day Lizie and I went to Reading so she could get her ears taken up another notch, and then we did some shopping. Getting back was hell though, as replacement buses led to confusion and us spending nearly three hours on coaches trying to reach Wokingham, via Guildford. Not nice.
After popping home for some dinner, I dropped by Lizie's and after we got ready we headed to the Adge. Sadly most of the wives failed to come out, so the night was a lot quieter. We saw Holly, and thankfully Blackie appeared to instigate our dancing, but the tail end of the night was spent with Jenzo in her car, listening to Phil Collins and talking. Not a bad night, but made us realise that we only really go to the Adge for want of someplace better.
Today was spent sorting myself out, and tonight it's off to Fab with Gemma, Anja, and Ryan.
I'll try to stop doing such mammoth updates, break it down a bit...