Well,for anybody who gives a damn.Finally worked up the courage to tell my wife that I want a divorce.There's only so much punishment that a person can take.Been a long time coming but it was/is still hard.Luckily all of my family and friends are supporting me on this.They saw it coming long before I did.Ready to move on.

wow good luck hun, it took alot of balls for me to tell my ex that but since i didnt have any to begin with it was harder for me lol if u need someone to talk to im here, my court date is nov 6th, we r in the same boat.

You are welcome, and I'm glad you are happy. I believe in meds and counseling fully, she just has to want to stick with it. Best of luck to you guys! I'm not coming down for Thanksgiving, thanks for the invite to hang though. Hugs