The following is a true story.
Dateline;Cincinnati Ohio:
Bengals QB,Carson Palmer is sponsoring the first annual Corn-Hole Tounament.This is a charity event and family's are welcome to attend and compete.
In a related story;The local Ohio State Prison has announced that it will sponser a Corn-Hole team to compete in the event with all winnings going to charity.Said one inmate"You know I always play Corn-Hole for fun but now I can do it for a good cause.Since it's for charity I'll be Corn-Hole'ing
my ass off!!!!
Dateline;Cincinnati Ohio:
Bengals QB,Carson Palmer is sponsoring the first annual Corn-Hole Tounament.This is a charity event and family's are welcome to attend and compete.
In a related story;The local Ohio State Prison has announced that it will sponser a Corn-Hole team to compete in the event with all winnings going to charity.Said one inmate"You know I always play Corn-Hole for fun but now I can do it for a good cause.Since it's for charity I'll be Corn-Hole'ing
my ass off!!!!

Hope to catch y note from you again someday !