So, I'm in Wales now.
Its alot of different things to me right now. First and foremost, its my home now. I live, work and socialize here. Nothing short of an utter catastrophic failure of life will change that. I'm here to stay.
Secondly, its the place I found V. I'm using an alias for her to protect her from any unwanted attention, not from this site or its members, but proxies.
She's... She's just what I needed to help fix myself. I'm the first to hold up my hand and say that while I loved Rachel, we were not working. I let her down, and the distance killed us. I blamed myself for the longest time, and held out some stupid hope that she would return... But that was not going to happen. She's lost to me, and for the longest time I just drifted along, in some horrid state of loneliness, mixed with regret and a feeling of loss and sorrow. V came along and just dropped a bombshell that shook everything up in my life, and when the dust cleared and the debris became still, I could see a different path to the one I had walked.
Thanks to her, I'm here. Cardiff is wonderful compared to Reading. so much more alive and living. People just seem happier and I can meet a perfect stranger every night. No one knows me, aside from a select few, friends who were here before I was. I can start again here.
I'm still in 'Spoons. Actually, I just agreed to some overtime today. Seems nothing changed with this place, no matter the location. But I'm on the hunt for a christmas job, so maybe it wont be for much longer.
I'm set to start my art again soon, as I'm pretty much settled in here now. I want to push for new places and styles if I can. I really want to challenge myself and create something people will like. This City can inspire that change.
I've got more to talk about, like books and films and the ever lovely SG's of this site I have seen, but I'm pressed for time today. I'll take some pictures and post them in the next week sometime.
Catch you all soon! x
Its alot of different things to me right now. First and foremost, its my home now. I live, work and socialize here. Nothing short of an utter catastrophic failure of life will change that. I'm here to stay.
Secondly, its the place I found V. I'm using an alias for her to protect her from any unwanted attention, not from this site or its members, but proxies.
She's... She's just what I needed to help fix myself. I'm the first to hold up my hand and say that while I loved Rachel, we were not working. I let her down, and the distance killed us. I blamed myself for the longest time, and held out some stupid hope that she would return... But that was not going to happen. She's lost to me, and for the longest time I just drifted along, in some horrid state of loneliness, mixed with regret and a feeling of loss and sorrow. V came along and just dropped a bombshell that shook everything up in my life, and when the dust cleared and the debris became still, I could see a different path to the one I had walked.
Thanks to her, I'm here. Cardiff is wonderful compared to Reading. so much more alive and living. People just seem happier and I can meet a perfect stranger every night. No one knows me, aside from a select few, friends who were here before I was. I can start again here.
I'm still in 'Spoons. Actually, I just agreed to some overtime today. Seems nothing changed with this place, no matter the location. But I'm on the hunt for a christmas job, so maybe it wont be for much longer.
I'm set to start my art again soon, as I'm pretty much settled in here now. I want to push for new places and styles if I can. I really want to challenge myself and create something people will like. This City can inspire that change.
I've got more to talk about, like books and films and the ever lovely SG's of this site I have seen, but I'm pressed for time today. I'll take some pictures and post them in the next week sometime.
Catch you all soon! x