Another bad week. I kinda got too drunk after work and got dropped on my head. Managers' out to kill me, so I'll find another job and start over. Decides I'm not giving up on Uni yet, gonna try and get on some kinda art based course for this year, just to tide me over. Stupid cold. I'm gonna be snezzing all over the customers...
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Hopefully one day you can pursue photography better...

thanks for the set love... blush
Here's hoping, I just don't like digital cameras for any kinda serious work. They feel...wrong.
And your very welcome, keep up the great sets!
Fuck. fuck fuck fuck.
I got turned down again for uni.
That was a serious blow for me, I'd kinda planned around it. There are few courses similar to that one, local anyway. I could go and find a basic art course to do for a year, keep the practise up, try and stay sharp and try again. Or I could just say fuck it...
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Hmmm, this is becoming a habit...
Last week and this one so far have been pretty bad. My friend lost thier job, and between my own job and building/developing a portfolio, I'm killing myself with a serious lack of sleep.
I hate to use this space as a place to moan, but its whats happening to me atm, so its all I can write about...
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4 am and I'm still awake. Not a good sign. Theres actually a few things on my mind atm. Work, uni, and that a co-worker is making advances at me when she really shouldn't be. Makes me yearn for the good ol' days at school, where my biggest problem was getting my assed kicked, not any of this grown up shit to worry about. When...
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Scatman john is just a bit wrong! hahaha!

Unless the advances upon you by this co-worker are really seriously full on, then I wouldn't worry too much about them, just take it as a compliment - everyone like to be reminded/told they're attractive! smile

So I play Warcraft.
Its no secret. I'm 22 and often stuck on my computer through my artwork, so it fills in the downtime quite nicely. But there's this weird social attachment to playing that fucking game that I'm having trouble understanding anymore. I mean, people play Final Fantasy games, and its the same set-up, even with the online element in some of the more...
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Its the dumb things that make me happy sometimes.
I just heard a really old and crappy song from years ago, that me and a really good friend used to listen to when we were much younger.
It was from a ridiculous tape made one day by recording MTV randomly, but the songs were just so varied and strange that we loved it. He...
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Haha... thank you for bringing that song back into my life! smile x
Blah, stupid pencil. Why won't you do what I want you to do? Just draw dammit. And I don't mean just a collection of randomness, make a fuckin' image already. I've been sat here for longer than I care to think, just waiting and thinking and trying so damn hard to make this work. And all I can do is waste paper and sharpen my...
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WOW thanks a bunch look at my set all you'd like!! thanks ever sooo much for the support and love!!

Zuraih xoxo