So, a day early with the blog, mostly for one reason. New Scott Pilgrim Trailer!
I was so happy to see this pop up in my twitter feed this morning. I've loved the books since I found them, and given the directors' track record (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) I think it will be an amazingly good film.
Yeah, aside from that, I've...
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oh but its okay! your arse cant get *too* big on vegan treats! wink

theyre cholesterol free &i usually put in lots of hippie stuff like ground flax seed &whatnot, which you cant taste at all, but adds a ton of healthy goodness! im a decent cook, but a great baker, hehe!

good luck with moving &the new lady. stressful times, but sounds like things might be starting to look up for you! smile
It has been an... interesting few months. But your right, things are looking up now. Will hunt down some vegan treats soon, but any additional mass added to my arse will be destroyed with exercise!
Good morning you lovely lovely people!
I'm in a rare good mood today in spite of things, as I saw an old friend for coffee today. He and I had worked in a trade counter (he was my boss), and became friends after exchanging quotes from films and books at each other for days. I hadn't seen him in years, and seeing him made me...
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Weeeeeeeeeeell, lookit me, posting a blog three times in three weeks! I that constitutes a habit!
This week has been surprisingly calm so far, but its early days yet. The job hunt took a better turn when I found some new vacancies on monday, so I'm hoping they bring me luck. Elsewhere I've been scripting out the comic and researching/practising layouts and other fun. I'm...
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Hey all. The week so far has been quiet, so I've been reinstalling some older games from yester-year. Things like The Longest Journey, Broken Sword, Unreal Max Payne ect... Makes me happy to go back and play these, seeing all the places I got stuck and flying through them. Still no news on a job, was kinda hoping that my previous job would accept me...
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HI Thank you so much for you sweet comment on my set. HUGS . xoxo kiss kiss
Your most welcome. Best of luck!
In the months since my last post, I have failed to obtain a job, get to the 'States to see my girlfriend, and been threatened with the loss of my home by my family. Its been a different year so fa, to say the least.
If I had any idea that it would have been this much of a struggle, I would have stayed...
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Thank you for the lovely comment on my set smile

Sorry to hear your having a bit of a bad time frown Hope it gets better soon
Your most welcome, and thankyou for the kind words!
Ooooh boy.
Things have changed considerably again since the last posting. I am now (un)happily unemployed, again. The whole situation was frankly laughable, and I really hope I never have to go through it again. But i've covered the town in applications (and a few horrid remarks regarding my former manager), and FINALLY got my passport in the mail, so I'm now getting ready to...
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(blows dust off blog)
Sorry about the silence, I lost my laptop and have to use a piece of shit to get work done (slowly). things have changed considerably since my last post. My new job started out great, but turned into a mini nightmare recently, with staff cuts and hour reductions, all without prior consent. I still prefer it over my older job at...
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HI! Hello!
I'm in a good mood still. A most unusual sensation, I must say.
The new job is going really well, and I get on okay with the staff and managment alike.
Its strange how much has actually changed in the last few weeks alone. job change, my first piercing (Tongue!), and I kinda developed this strange affliction, in the form of a girl....
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I quit my job for a new one. A (hopefully) better paid, less time consuming, more satisfying one!
I can't believe how happy I am compared to the last time I wrote here. I even went and started getting close to a really nice girl I met through my old DA account. And I'm even looking at a couple of night courses...
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This space is turning into something of a vent for me. I never intended to use it this way, it just kinda happened.
So today I'm at work, its a usual busy saturday with all the trimmings. I've just been on my break and needed the toilet, and to wash my hands. Its a thing I have. I'll wash my hands to keeps the bar...
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After the torrent of shit that was the past few months, I've reverted back to some of my old ways. Mainly computer games, doodling and slight alcoholic abuse.
Its nice to get back to how I was before. By no means was I a good person, or am I now, but its familiar and I'm in a better place right now, a comfort zone. So...
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