Ode to the casino:
Oh casino, how do i hate thee? Let me count the ways.
I hate thee in simple principle in addition to hindsight.
I hate thee for always confirming I need to get my mind right.
For the ups, the down and especially the broke times.
I hate you for making me feel the need to say so in rhyme.
I hate thee so truly, while most who go feign denial
I still hate thee intuitively when i win once in a while.
Spellbound though i may be by your lavish splendour
I hate thee for bankrupting me, a supposed big spender.
Who might, had I won, instead gone on a bender.
Sadly, that's the ender. I could have been a contender.
Oh casino, how do i hate thee? Let me count the ways.
I hate thee in simple principle in addition to hindsight.
I hate thee for always confirming I need to get my mind right.
For the ups, the down and especially the broke times.
I hate you for making me feel the need to say so in rhyme.
I hate thee so truly, while most who go feign denial
I still hate thee intuitively when i win once in a while.
Spellbound though i may be by your lavish splendour
I hate thee for bankrupting me, a supposed big spender.
Who might, had I won, instead gone on a bender.
Sadly, that's the ender. I could have been a contender.
do you ever think of the future when you are together with a girl?