If i had known how fantastic my dreams were going to be, I would have quit smoking dope a long time ago. Every night I'm witness to the most symbolic, psychadelic, introspection-worthy semi-lucid dreams. Even the nightmares are entertaining. I'd write them down but I'm too busy mulling them over, tryign to make some sense of them. Suffice to say they are both insightful and mind-boggling and the everpresent theme is that marijuana is bad, mmkay? So treat your body as a temple kiddos and kiddettes, it easily pays off tenfold.
Pregnant dreams are kick ass and soooo fucking out of this world.
I dream about the devil a lot, and jesus.
I dreamed my baby was God's grandson and that he was the anti christ.... I am now hoping he is not born June 6th.... The offical due date I am told..... lol har har har....
He farts in my belly did you know that?
[Edited on Apr 13, 2006 10:48PM]