Nothing much to say. Friend came back from the south of France and brought me some clothes I gave him some money to buy me. Problem is he's an idiot without taste. Somehow he managed to travel abroad to what is arguably the fashion capital of the universe and bring me back an American company skater hat and some graffiti shirts i could have found here. Why do I bother?
I had forgotten how much I enjoy Star Trek TNG and am currently catching up on my old episodes. Also, i'm enamored with this Ricky Gervais show put out by the BBC2 called "Extras". If you'venever heard of it I strongly suggest you go to torrentspy and download the 6 episode 1st season; you won't regret it. Anywho, other than that not much is going on. I'm somewhat successfully making a part-time living playing poker. Nothing to serious, just $2/4 at the casino and $20 buy in games whenever I can get an invite.
Hmm, what else? Have two girls in my anthropology of mythology class I like who like me back, another couple who I'm working on. They must have been impressed by my crazy pen twirling skills. I put the asian kids doing the standard twirly (pentricks!) to shame. No joke, i bust the dope moves. To quote some rapper, "Sistas wasn't ready!"
I had forgotten how much I enjoy Star Trek TNG and am currently catching up on my old episodes. Also, i'm enamored with this Ricky Gervais show put out by the BBC2 called "Extras". If you'venever heard of it I strongly suggest you go to torrentspy and download the 6 episode 1st season; you won't regret it. Anywho, other than that not much is going on. I'm somewhat successfully making a part-time living playing poker. Nothing to serious, just $2/4 at the casino and $20 buy in games whenever I can get an invite.
Hmm, what else? Have two girls in my anthropology of mythology class I like who like me back, another couple who I'm working on. They must have been impressed by my crazy pen twirling skills. I put the asian kids doing the standard twirly (pentricks!) to shame. No joke, i bust the dope moves. To quote some rapper, "Sistas wasn't ready!"