How do I get more friends here? More engagement? I want people to talk to haha IM LONELY. I am not sure how to navigate this site and have always been rather intimidating and more of a lurker but I came for friends and GOSH DARNIT IMMA MAKE SOME.
So I’m gonna start by doing a daily post. We will see how that goes. Sound...
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I’ll go first. :)
This year I trained my little booty off and was lucky to be chosen to perform off of the Man Base at Burning Man this year!! I’m so proud :)
I’m excited to hear what you’re proud of! Tell me! :)
Hehehe mine is such a WEIRD one. It’s from the early days of YouTube. It’s hilarious though 😂 you’ve been warned! My Hands Are Bananas
Green flags in a relationship!! Ahh. This is a good one!
I think about 3 months in is when you really get to know a person and get a feel for how they work. Some things I have noticed in my own personal life that help create a healthy relationship are:
Communication! A significant other who is willing to sit down and sort things out...
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