I was tagged by the absolutely gorgeous @hartt for this challenge 🥰

1) Height? 5'2”

2) Virgin? Hahahahahahahahahahaaahahha

3) Do you smoke? I smoke ganja every day, it has changed my life 🥰

4) Do you drink? I prefer to smoke, I get nasty hangovers

5) Age you get mistaken for? 22-23

6) Any tattoos? Yes!! 30!! Can’t wait for more

7) Any piercings? Tongue
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I’m so so so excited!! Can’t wait to go to Texas and meet all these wonderful ladies! Yay!!!! This is why I joined SG, to join a community of uplifting amazing and bad ass women! I absolutely cannot wait.


I missed y’all! Finally coming out of that slump I got myself into. I have been working a ton and finally saved up for a new coamputee for school. Bonus though, I got myself one with a great graphics card for gaming andddd... editing! For you all! My lovelies!! I’ll be rolling out lots more fun. A lot more content. How have you all been...
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Y’all I’m trying to live paint with you but my phone keeps crashing idk. 😭😭 I’m getting a laptop for school this fall so maybe I’ll try again when I’m not trying to stream off my phone. I’m sorry y’all. I really wanted to hang out today.