Green flags in a relationship!! Ahh. This is a good one!
I think about 3 months in is when you really get to know a person and get a feel for how they work. Some things I have noticed in my own personal life that help create a healthy relationship are:
Communication! A significant other who is willing to sit down and sort things out with you instead of walling off or breaking you down is huge!! Lack of communication will break down any relationship over time and if you have a solid base to start you’ve got a green light in my opinion.
A sense of humor. I think people need to be able to laugh at themselves and the situations around them at times. It’s too easy to get caught in your own cycles of darkness, and being able to laugh things off is great!
Good family relationships. Please understand I say this myself coming from a broken home where I do not speak to what’s left of my family. So I understand situations where toxic family needs to be cut out. But I believe in a healthy family environment a good relationship with ones family speaks volumes on how you relate to others.
Compassion and empathy. I think these are important qualities to have and as long as you practice these you have to be a decent person.
There’s a lot I can say on this subject. Having had both negative and positive relationships in my life I have been able to step back and observe a lot of qualities that are immediate red flags and what qualities are definitely green lights!! I hope y’all have a great week and I hope I gave at least one person a little bit of insight.
So much love,
@rambo @missy