This weekend was a blast, I haven't had as much fun as I did down in Portland in FOREVER! Ground Kontrol was epicly amazing, got to kick the shit out of some pinball machines that I haven't seen in forever, not to mention the full service bar! Missed our train back to Beaverton by like 3 minutes because we were all too busy trying to slam one more shot at the irish pub we hit up after the bar-cade. That was the only downer of the night...but I guess that happens to them every time they get a group over 4-5 people together and try to accomplish things haha
Can't wait to go back! This weekend should be almost as epic, excited for Emerald City Comicon...being as nerdy as I am I have never been to the PAX's or any comicon's so it's time to pop my cherry!

sounds like someone had tons of fun!
It was a bunch of fun! much better then this weekend so far...been kinda mopey and I can't find anyone to goto ECCC with me on Sunday and the SG party afterwards! I need friends that aren't lame lol...