Hey guys, well I went to the hospital last night, got out of there at about 4 in the morning **rolls eyes**....
**Edit: everything is fine with the baby btw, super healthy pregnancy**
but the plus side is I stopped at Barnes and Nobles first to get a book cause I figured I'd be there for a while. And honeslty although I am a book enthusiaste and I never judge a book by its cover, I picked this one up because of the cover! It was just so damn appealing, I read the back and it sounded tame, but OH MY GOD! when I got to the hospital and started reading it I went into like Imagination orgasm! I didn't think much of the buck because quite honestly I had a 15 dollar gift certificate and the book was in the 6 dollars or less pile, But boy am I glad I picked it up, its a collection of fetish stories about fetish garnment! Teh cool!! The stories are so hot I was doing everything I could not to touch myself, and my husband was sitting reading it next to me and I guess he noticed it was turning me on but he was kissing my neck and rubbing on my hips.... anyway if I made a whole blog about a book and its not Harry Potter you know the fucking book is good! GO GET IT NOW!! It is callllleddd...
Leather, Lace and Lust: Edited by M Christian and Sage Vivant !!!!
LIKE I SAID GO>>>>RIGHT NOW>>>>> ITS 5.25 after tax!! GO GET IT! NOW!
**Edit: everything is fine with the baby btw, super healthy pregnancy**
but the plus side is I stopped at Barnes and Nobles first to get a book cause I figured I'd be there for a while. And honeslty although I am a book enthusiaste and I never judge a book by its cover, I picked this one up because of the cover! It was just so damn appealing, I read the back and it sounded tame, but OH MY GOD! when I got to the hospital and started reading it I went into like Imagination orgasm! I didn't think much of the buck because quite honestly I had a 15 dollar gift certificate and the book was in the 6 dollars or less pile, But boy am I glad I picked it up, its a collection of fetish stories about fetish garnment! Teh cool!! The stories are so hot I was doing everything I could not to touch myself, and my husband was sitting reading it next to me and I guess he noticed it was turning me on but he was kissing my neck and rubbing on my hips.... anyway if I made a whole blog about a book and its not Harry Potter you know the fucking book is good! GO GET IT NOW!! It is callllleddd...
Leather, Lace and Lust: Edited by M Christian and Sage Vivant !!!!
LIKE I SAID GO>>>>RIGHT NOW>>>>> ITS 5.25 after tax!! GO GET IT! NOW!
I am going to get the book for the wife. I will let you know what she thinks. Thanks for letting us know. You take care of yourself and the baby!