Hey guys sorry i havent written in so long... its been so boring lately... my hubyy and i are doing alot better though.. and im almost getting done with my 1st trimester! woot woot! thats about it... i'll write more later!
This morning my son and his wonderful curiosity happened to stumble accross the remote control, however since my son is only 1 he doesn't exactly know how to navigate it, so instead he pressed a random button and put on the "Christian Channel" I guess thats what you call it... now of course he then proceeded to... Read More
Hey guys I know I haven't written in a while. Shits just been bad over here. I dont really know where I'm going anymore, and I'm not sure if I'm just hormonal because I'm pregnant or everything is really as bad as I'm making it out to be. I just feel like shit. I really fucking hate my job, and where I am right now... Read More
Hey guys, well I went to the hospital last night, got out of there at about 4 in the morning **rolls eyes**....
**Edit: everything is fine with the baby btw, super healthy pregnancy**
but the plus side is I stopped at Barnes and Nobles first to get a book cause I figured I'd be there for a while. And honeslty although I am a book... Read More
I'm glad everything is ok with the baby(ies).
Sorry that we couldn't hangout today but we'll be down here until about Sept 14th. So, if you want to meet up before we leave, let me know.
Well, I went to the hospital last night, I thought I was about 5 weeks pregnant so thats what I told my doctor, Apparently (long story short) I'm either not 5 weeks pregnant and everything is fine and the baby is just really small. Or I am 5 weeks pregnant, the hormone levels are too low and I'm slowly lossing the baby. I was there... Read More
It got to a point I couldn't sleep anymore, I had to do something. Everyone around me got worried and they all collectively bought me everything to make one big clusterfuck just so I would be able to sleep. I kept telling my mom and my grandma all along what I needed but no one would listen, they said the dreams had to leave, so... Read More