One year ago, this amazing woman left this earth. She showered the world with a love that we so desperately need. I never heard her say a cross word, raise her voice, or speak badly about anyone no matter how hurt she may have felt. She always remained positive and hopeful for a brighter future. Deb was taken from us because of complications from cancer.
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Hope she's in better place now ❀️

today is my birthday but I feel this is far more important. In honor and with deep respect, I wanted to post this for the 215 children's remains found at the Kamloops residential school in Canada. I hope your families may find peace.οΏΌ

Happy birthday hon πŸ’œ
Happy belated!

This is a painful subject for me to fully talk about. But I suppose I should get this out into the light and burn the shadows away. @earitibble posed a question about insecurities and it has been something that I had thought about for a long long time, and I thank her for helping me find the courage to let this out.

One if my...
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Came across this randomly, and wanted to let you know it hit a nerve, and I can relate on a lot of levels. Thank you for sharing, and know you're not alone "on the dude side" with some of these things.
I can relate to a lot of these insecurities and from what I've been learning lately it comes from our childhoods, that feeling of unworthiness. You're not alone my friend. I imagine a large majority of folks on this site are here trying to abate such insecurities too, some more secretly than others. My partner tells me everyday, multiple times how pretty I am. I still don't think so. Even after years as a model, but if you boil it down? What does being attractive really matter? That's kind of where I'm at these days. I know I'm worthy of some things. That I have skills and maybe even talent. So why not focus on that instead? We all suffer from paranoia. All of that aside, I wish women were better able to deal with ED, but again it goes back to insecurity. Do you hear what you quote them as saying? Clearly all based in insecurity. You ask how do you respond to that? It's likely in the same way you wish they'd respond to you. With love and empathy. An open dialogue where both parties have taken a deep breath and know it's nothing personal... How frustrated would they be if they wanted to connect with a person and their body wouldn't let them? It's such a shame that most folks can't take a breath and put their own shit aside for a moment and consider such things. People have a lot of baggage when it comes to being 'pretty enough'. It's such a shame. I wish folks would worry more about not evolving and growing enough instead. The thing that makes a person the most attractive in my experience is health and happiness. We have to put aside whatever doesn't serve those two things (and I know health in a country without socialized medicine is a luxury most of us don't have). The internet (social media in particular) aren't the best for supporting those two 'H's... which, I've already been on here way too much the last two days. So, I'ma dive back into the hoard I've stockpiled from the local library. Much love to you. <3

@konekoya asked this in her being profiled on the @suicidegirlsgermany profile, so I thought I would try and figure out 5 interesting things about me. Could be a stretch

1. I moved to Germany for a woman. I lived in Munich for three months, but had to move back to the US. In three months, she only wanted to see me twice. I guess I...
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Thank u for sharing ur facts! Don’t blame that with the girl on you !!! πŸ’™
Great to know more about you my sweet πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

this year has been shit all around. The pandemic closing our restaurant, the death of my cousin and aunt, the debacle that AJ's turned into. But I had you. I told you when we shut down Nada, any kitchen I find, I am bringing you with me. I never realised that in the end, it would have to be in my heart. Your death shattered...
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So sorry for your loss. May you always remember the knowledge shared between you both and the joyous times. I hope 2021 brings you happiness.
Thank you ladies @sarahpinkshot @star @soulofseasons. I had lunch with him the night he passed. I regret not getting out if my truck and hugging him when I dropped him off. We talked that afternoon about kitchen work and the plans I had to create my own kitchen and how he was going to be a huge part in it and any kitchen I worked in until I could make my own happen. I just miss him wholly

When I first came across @penny I was absolutely struck by how mesmerizing she was. She had a combination of sophistication and sensual that invaded my soul. It was like looking at a perfect dream that I never could have imagined on my own. And it didn't take long to see how complex and layered she was.

Each post was a connection in a way...
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this is a picture of 30 knit hats plus some shirts for Horizon House, a non profit that works with the homeless here in Indianapolis providing a slew of services from showers to job training. The last two years, my former kitchen and I would hold a clothing drive to collect winter clothes for Horizon House. This year with the pandemic, and no longer working
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Very thoughtful πŸ’œ
This is amazing! ❀️

somehow my baby found and ate the weed my neighbor left out on his patio. I have no idea how much it was, but I am surprised that I didn't come home to beads in her fluff or a steel drum in my living room. Good thing my credit card wasn't around or I would be fighting a maxed out charge of puppy treats from
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I hold no secret about my adoration and respect for such incredible SG goddesses such as @midnight, @luna, @dame, and @eirenne. I have written about how incredible they all are before. For today, I felt I would change it up and bring to the fold someone else I admire. @obsidian.

I have not been as attentive to this beautiful woman here as I have been...
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Sending love 😘😘
You're one of the best parts in this community<3