I insta, I follow different kinds of people including gamer and cosplay girls. One in particular, has begun letting someone else run her page, and her posts have become a little more degrading towards her. This post however, I made a comment and went on my way. Today someone else came back at me and I know this will just turn into a thing. And before it does, I am wondering if you think I am in the wrong.
Her video, or reel, or whatever has her walking toward the camera when a guy off camera approaches and says
" hey you're ___, do you the face!"
She: " no, not right now"
Him: " do the face or I will show your family your Twitter"
And she does the face. Whatever is exciting about the cross eyed tongue out face. I commented that "the guy acts more like a bully or rapist. Not a good look" am I wrong in this? Has shit gone so sideways that when a woman says no, it's acceptable to threaten or shame her into something she said no to? I know this is supposed to be a humorous thing she posts, but does anyone find that shit funny? And the posts with him on it seems increasingly degrading and shameful.
This guy's hard for me because I have been there to help friends pick up the pieces from a guy not taking no for an answer. A family member as well. Would anyone here be complacent to a threat of exposure if you didn't do what a guy says? Please let me know