We just had a two week dining event called Devour Indy where during the slow season between new years and valentine's day we give a special menu to keep guests supporting the hospitality industry. Almost all casual and fine dining restaurants participate. This PO asy Friday was our last we weekend push and we were crushing it. Huge sales and stellar guest experience! In the mist, my front of house manager came back to expo and began helping push out dessert's for our guests by candying sugar for three creme brulee's. She set the torch in a spot not normal for the torch. I was working around her getting apps and salads taken care of when I reached for toasted almonds to finish two whipped feta dip and placed my forearm directly on the metal exhaust tube for the torch. The result is a 4 inch by 1 inch sear on my forearm that will result in a deep scar. It never blistered because I lost the skin immediately. A doctor said that he worried about infection and if that occurred, I would have to consider I may lose mobility and feeling in my hand and may need rehab. I have worked with this the last week anyway.