@konekoya asked this in her being profiled on the @suicidegirlsgermany profile, so I thought I would try and figure out 5 interesting things about me. Could be a stretch
1. I moved to Germany for a woman. I lived in Munich for three months, but had to move back to the US. In three months, she only wanted to see me twice. I guess I am much more exciting from a distance.
2. I once had an invite to try out for the Melbourne Ice hockey club, but the travel to Australia was to much.
3. I went back to college in my mid 30's just to play college hockey. I played for 3 years, but had to leave school because life and bills got in the way. I was only 12 credits shy of an Anthropology degree.
4. I worked for 18 years a a bouncer in bars but I don't drink.
5. I don't have a religion be that I believe in. If I had to give one, I would say I was pagan. I have a deep spirituality, but I can't support an organized religion.