I walked out of my job this morning. The environment became to toxic for me and my frustration finally took over.
The GM appoached me this morning in a confrontation that I thought would have been civil. Instead it ended in talking down to me, talking snarky, and in general belittling me for procedures set by our chef that are out of my control rather than fixing it with him. Rather than work angry and humiliated all day, I decided to leave. Thuus is the same kitchen I wrote a blog about before.
Although I am proud that I decided to walk away from a kitchen that I feel is poorly lead and managed, I am not proud that I walked out as I did. But a breaking point was crossed and I left before I could act out. I have always hated it when someone walks out of a job, but I hate it even more the situation that caused it.
So now I am down to one kitchen and now a 45 hour a week schedule. What will I do with that spare time?
On the flip side, I have a sous chef position that I am considered for tgat opens in 2 months or a kitchen manager position tgat opens up in 3 weeks. Both kitchens ate brand new and both have tremendous upside. I am already slated to help a kitchen develops and roll out a new menu next week. Things will be interesting in the coming days