OK, so I havent updated in well a LONG time, but I have my excuses. Ive been kind of busy. And busy not just playing video games.
To start off and get it out of the way, a quick little story. Ive been thinking for a long time now about cutting my hair. The long hair was nice and all, but it required work, and I wasnt entirely sure it was me anymore, as I didnt really identify myself as goth so much anymore (not that IO think Ive changed, just I dont want to put that much time into preening or going out to clubs anymore).
You know how that one Conan movie has the unforgettable line about 5 minutes in, His was a tale of SORROW!
Yeah, it fits.
I finally decided to chop it off shortly after getting the new car. Long hair and sunroof dont go well together. So I decided to go to my g/fs hair dresser. He always did a great job on her hair, and his salon is right in the middle of the gay district in DC, so I know he cuts mens hair. Everything sounds good so far, right? He asks me how I wanted it cut. I didnt have anything in mind really, as I couldnt picture myself with short hair (as I had the long hair for nigh on 16 years), so I gave him a list of requirements.
1) I dont want to look like a young republican banker.
2) I dont want to look like Ive just joined the service.
He agreed with me that both of those were bad, and I told him I was looking for something kind of punk/rockabilly so we looked at some pictures and I showed him the looks I liked and the ones I didnt. Everything is still looking good, right?
He shaved my head. I shit you not, he shaved my fucking head.
He tried to convince me that he followed my directions, because APPARENTLY this was a British Schoolboy cut. Military cuts fade up from the temple, where as this was uniformly short. I drank. A LOT.
Its been several months now, and its finally getting to the point where it doesnt look too bad I suppose. Doesnt matter, I wear a hat everyday now.
Anyhow, on to happier things. First a pic of Borris.
I love this car.
Second, I got a job! Im doing a post-doc at George Washington Uni. On a project funded by industry. I know, boo hiss, evil corporations, but they have a lot of money, and I feel it is a very worthwhile project. I cant tell anyone what it is, but suffice to say if/when we get things figured out it will go a decent amount to making our world a better, healthier place. So that will be my contribution to society!
And along with the new job, I can finally afford my own place!!! All mine, with NO roommates and NO family. A little bit of secret shame, after the big breakup a couple years ago I didnt have any money, so I had actually been living with my parents until I graduated, so this new place feels ESPECIALLY nice The place is BIG, and it rocks. I love it!
Well, enough of that, maybe Ill start posting more often
To start off and get it out of the way, a quick little story. Ive been thinking for a long time now about cutting my hair. The long hair was nice and all, but it required work, and I wasnt entirely sure it was me anymore, as I didnt really identify myself as goth so much anymore (not that IO think Ive changed, just I dont want to put that much time into preening or going out to clubs anymore).
You know how that one Conan movie has the unforgettable line about 5 minutes in, His was a tale of SORROW!
Yeah, it fits.
I finally decided to chop it off shortly after getting the new car. Long hair and sunroof dont go well together. So I decided to go to my g/fs hair dresser. He always did a great job on her hair, and his salon is right in the middle of the gay district in DC, so I know he cuts mens hair. Everything sounds good so far, right? He asks me how I wanted it cut. I didnt have anything in mind really, as I couldnt picture myself with short hair (as I had the long hair for nigh on 16 years), so I gave him a list of requirements.
1) I dont want to look like a young republican banker.
2) I dont want to look like Ive just joined the service.
He agreed with me that both of those were bad, and I told him I was looking for something kind of punk/rockabilly so we looked at some pictures and I showed him the looks I liked and the ones I didnt. Everything is still looking good, right?
He shaved my head. I shit you not, he shaved my fucking head.
He tried to convince me that he followed my directions, because APPARENTLY this was a British Schoolboy cut. Military cuts fade up from the temple, where as this was uniformly short. I drank. A LOT.
Its been several months now, and its finally getting to the point where it doesnt look too bad I suppose. Doesnt matter, I wear a hat everyday now.

Anyhow, on to happier things. First a pic of Borris.

I love this car.
Second, I got a job! Im doing a post-doc at George Washington Uni. On a project funded by industry. I know, boo hiss, evil corporations, but they have a lot of money, and I feel it is a very worthwhile project. I cant tell anyone what it is, but suffice to say if/when we get things figured out it will go a decent amount to making our world a better, healthier place. So that will be my contribution to society!
And along with the new job, I can finally afford my own place!!! All mine, with NO roommates and NO family. A little bit of secret shame, after the big breakup a couple years ago I didnt have any money, so I had actually been living with my parents until I graduated, so this new place feels ESPECIALLY nice The place is BIG, and it rocks. I love it!
Well, enough of that, maybe Ill start posting more often
I'm beginning to worry about you.
On and off for the past ten years or so...