SO after 140,000 miles, apparently my car decided it was time to die. Just as I was trying to actually pay off my debt. CRAP.
Remeber kids, oil in the antifreeze is a BAD sign.
I just saddled my self with more debt. But I need a car to get to work. Maybe sometime I'll put up pics of the old car (Molly) and the new car (to be named... I'm leaning towardds 'Borris').
Oh, and just because I'm a mega dork, here's my alter Ego, Pitt the Warlock. I love my horsey....

Remeber kids, oil in the antifreeze is a BAD sign.
I just saddled my self with more debt. But I need a car to get to work. Maybe sometime I'll put up pics of the old car (Molly) and the new car (to be named... I'm leaning towardds 'Borris').
Oh, and just because I'm a mega dork, here's my alter Ego, Pitt the Warlock. I love my horsey....

*looks at self and remembers his love for Lovecraft and D&D books on his shelves*
Oh... wait....