So my job search has brought me to a philosophical crossroads. Many people would say that I am lazy. However, as it is my firm belief that when I die I am no more. Thus, given the option of say, making my bed or working overtime versus doing what brings me enjoyment (such as playing a video game, reading a book, drinking myself silly, or hiking) I will invariably choose the latter. This is not to say I do not have a certain amount of drive or ambition (I did just earn the prefix), its just I work to live, and I dont live to work.
Getting to the point, post-doc positions tend to be fairly intense as far as trying to get a lot of science done in a short period of time. There are, however, certain labs that really push the envelope. So the choice is this, do I tend to apply only to the more mellow positions to maximize my free-time and not overly push myself and my career, or do I go balls to the wall, and apply to positions where I will be driven and pushed hard, with a higher probability of success
And if I DO choose the latter, will I actually be able to excel, or would I be setting myself up for failure. I HATE being indecisive and not being confidant in these sorts of decisions
I wish it was Halloween.
Getting to the point, post-doc positions tend to be fairly intense as far as trying to get a lot of science done in a short period of time. There are, however, certain labs that really push the envelope. So the choice is this, do I tend to apply only to the more mellow positions to maximize my free-time and not overly push myself and my career, or do I go balls to the wall, and apply to positions where I will be driven and pushed hard, with a higher probability of success
And if I DO choose the latter, will I actually be able to excel, or would I be setting myself up for failure. I HATE being indecisive and not being confidant in these sorts of decisions
I wish it was Halloween.
Get whatever job you want. Just get it closer to here.

i wish it was halloween, too. or summer. or actually, anything but march in wisconsin.