But on what basis should the three branches be divided? It came down to two dueling ideas: Madison's proposal of an executive, judicial, and legislative branch, and Georgia's Joseph Morton's proposal to dole out power according to "The presence, forbearance, rectitude and largeosity of one's 'Plums and Carrot'." After much deliberation, it was decided Madison's proposal would be accepted, Morton relenting only after the Constitutional Convention agreed to proclaim him "impressive."
-from "America: the book"
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to love the US, but just kinda shakes their head when they think about it....
-from "America: the book"
I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to love the US, but just kinda shakes their head when they think about it....
I have been contemplating reading this book and wary of whether i'd like to read it or not.
Now I think I might like it. you rock.