I got a fair amount done on my thesis tonight, but my stress level remains fairly high. That's kinda bad, because I checked my blood pressure tonight (YES I'm nuerotic) and it was really high. Its kinda good because fear of not getting it in on time (and the fear of sock puppet revenge) keeps me going...
It should be smooth sailing to get it done (assuming my boss ever gets around to giving me comments on the chapters I gave her in july
), as I've pretty much cleared my social calander.
Except of course for the SxlD/Tiger Army show on monday. There are certain sacrifices I simply won't make in the name of science...

It should be smooth sailing to get it done (assuming my boss ever gets around to giving me comments on the chapters I gave her in july

Except of course for the SxlD/Tiger Army show on monday. There are certain sacrifices I simply won't make in the name of science...

Where are you? I haven't heard from you in a while...

tiger army!!!! yeahhh!!!! have fun!