Does anyone play Fable 3?? Some things about it I like better but some things also annoy me.. some things about the new xbox in general kinda annoy me. I got mine and the kinect the day it came out. Sometimes I swear the xbox makes some weird sound like its trying to come on its own. And the kinect I have to repeat myself like 3 or 4 times.. haha I'm such a nerd the only thing I've used kinect for so far is Kinectimals.. IM LAME haha! I'm in Fable 3 right now but about to study for school.. exam weeks are coming up.. BOO. if your on xbox live hit me up my GT is Kittie Killjoy but I think I'm gonna change it to Anna Memphis soon. Well anyways this was more of a random rant than a blog hahaxoxo
I'm always looking for fun people to play with so feel free to add me. (GT= Psylent Mike)