workshopping my sanford and son script today. god help me. i guess it didnt turn out too bad though. doesnt get laughs in class like all the original scripts that my classmates are writing...but fuck. redd foxx is such a hell of an actor, he can take a line that is nothing on the page and make it fucking magical. they can all eat my...
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my pants are so wet.
i want them to be dry now.
fuck the clothes dryer.

that was a haiku. yeah thats right.
Damn you're smooth.
writing this episode of sanford and son is harder than i anticipated it would be. im up shits creek now.

i will be starring as profressor pixel flambuster this saturday in a high school/community play in burgaw. ill be glad to have that shit off my back, indefinitely. i do feel good about helping out roach though. as good as i can, i suppose, considering...
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i registered for classes this morning. for the first time in my entire college career, i got every single class i wanted. no bullshit. not to mention, i got great classes. ill be done with my film program and my psy program all during the fall semester. next spring is just going to be filled with a bunch of bullshit classes.

damn that makes me...
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man i dont feel like going to work tonight. i want to do something, i dont ever do anything anymore.

i need more beer.

i made some ribs today and ate just a few, then i passed out on the couch. thanks, ribs.

i got so fucking drunk last night that i tried to break into a car to drive a few blocks back to the house so i wouldnt have to walk. jesus.

in other news, i got a new car. a fucking kurt-mobile. its a '01 focus and its very red. i have to learn how to drive the shit though, ive never had a car...
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You crazy man, you. Don't forget about telling the random stranger dude to "Fuck Off" in step to your stumble. I swear to the gods of boozing that I will have a camera on you the next time we go out. It is a sight worth seeing twice. In a good way.

You're the shit, Dave.
That picture is so friggin awesome...and im in love with the moehawk going on there.

thanks for the comment, hun!
im addicted to the godfather game. so frickin awesome. i cant wait to get home from my 3 hour shift to have some cider and assasinate all the dons in the city.

in related news, i need to find a way to keep myself from falling alseep on the couch. our fucking couch is dangerous.