its been a pretty awesome week. i love not having to worry about class, but i think it just makes me lazy. all i want to do all week is sit on my ass and watch television, which is pretty much what ive done. josh and i both had tuesday and wednesday off, and well, we didnt do a fucking thing...except eat and play tony hawk. and get drunk. of course tuesday was spent sleeping mostly, because we partied too hard on monday, until 8 am...wonder how that happened. the christmas party on monday was a fucking blast, i spent the whole night kickin it with this girl that mike and tracy brought with them, swoon. next day, come to find out that she was quite a bit older than me, so i figured itd be best to just call it quits. however, last night josh renews my sense of hope about this and tells me that he and mike 'have it taken care of', and that i should just go out to the barbary with them tonight. sounds good to me. and so tonight i will toil away in the pizza kitchen and then make my way to the barbary, to get shitty on mickeys and schaeffers. an appropriate end to a silly ass week.
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