I've had a bit of a set back lately. Friday I was teasing my friend Kelly, who outwighs me by about 100 lbs. that I could kick his ass. Of course that was the wrong thing to do. Teasing or not he wanted to prove that he could. He decides to pounce on me and he get me in the figure four. I put up a good figh, if I do say so myself, and he is stretching on my leg and then. And then. There is a very audible pop. we all heared it. I'm the only one that feels it. He immediatley lets go and asks if I'm okay. I am not. They drive me to the emergency room. To my good fortune, I happen to get Dr. Obvious. He gives me a braces and crutches and tells me there is damage and to keep off of it. Meanwhile, I am now unemployed, bored out of my skull because I can't drive and have to listen to my mom's husband bitch about how I haven't been working (it's been two days). I hate that fucker. We all do. On top of it, I have to listen to my friend get their kicks out the whole situation. I had to endureDrGonzo2000's stretch exercises and hopping around. He think he's soooo damn funny. The brace will come off soon ya know!
The thing that kills me is that this brace is so invalidating. I can't sleep in it, I can barely take a crap, I can't even masturbate! I am also sleeping much much more than before. I gave the vicodin to asshole so it's not that. Maybe my body is catching up with me since I am forced to "stand" still.
I don't know but I could use some love and a job since I'm sure to be fired from mine. My boss is a bigger cock than yours.
The thing that kills me is that this brace is so invalidating. I can't sleep in it, I can barely take a crap, I can't even masturbate! I am also sleeping much much more than before. I gave the vicodin to asshole so it's not that. Maybe my body is catching up with me since I am forced to "stand" still.
I don't know but I could use some love and a job since I'm sure to be fired from mine. My boss is a bigger cock than yours.

You should catch up on memorizing all of the Aqua Teen episodes, that's what I do when I'm bored usually
[Edited on May 12, 2005 4:33PM]