I hate having to be the one to answer the phone at work. Escpecilly since NOONE called. So I reinstalled the OS on a customer's computer. That was the highlight of my day. That and sweating my ass off because the ac is broken.
Tommorow DrGonzo2000 and some friends are going to the movies. We don't know what we're seeing. I want to see the Harold and Kumar movie but I think I might be alone in that.
Question of the day: If it was movie night and my house what would you bring over?
Tommorow DrGonzo2000 and some friends are going to the movies. We don't know what we're seeing. I want to see the Harold and Kumar movie but I think I might be alone in that.
Question of the day: If it was movie night and my house what would you bring over?

I would bring over Romper Stompers... but that would be a long drive for a movie night.
Thank you soo much . Very sweet of you to say >