I just watched Bubba Ho-Tep with a few friends. OOOOOOH my God! Just when I thought Bruce couldn't get any cooler. This is a must buy for anyone. I know I'm buying my copy when it comes out on Tues.
I was fucking with this girl Tara I work with earlier tonight. I kept walking up to her and poking her in the ribs saying "Whatchoo dooin' watchoo doin'". One time I was about to do it and she punched me in the face.
The she freaked out "Oh my God I didn't hurt you did I?" I just smiled and walked off.
I was fucking with this girl Tara I work with earlier tonight. I kept walking up to her and poking her in the ribs saying "Whatchoo dooin' watchoo doin'". One time I was about to do it and she punched me in the face.
