DrGonzo has the most unique ability I've ever seen. He can make liquid spray out of people's noses like none other. Today we were riding on Truman Parkway on the way back from Krispy Kreme. We each got a flier for a free doughnut for buying one of those paper balloon Help the Kids things. Well we were riding like I said, and out of the blue his flier flew right out of the window. I about lost it when he shouted "MY FREE DOUGHNUT! NOOOOO!" What made it worse is that I had a mouthfull of Sprite and couldn't swallow (no jokes please) because I was laughing so hard. And then-yep out th' nose. That may be a "had to be there" thing but believe you me, it was very very fucking funny.
Nice!!! Nothin better than a "so funny it came out my nose" laugh
whoa. he is my god. I love when someone is funny enough to make me laugh that hard. I think I need to go praise that guy...