Damn. What a BBQ
I'm told I passed out in a chair and fell over. Some good friends brought me up to bed. It was combination of drinking a bit of Jamesons and being exhausted from being up pulling weeds at 7am.
It was a good time had by all (so I'm told anyway)
Every pitch should go their way wink but I am not a newbie fake wannabee fan - I grew up and moved back to the Bronx and have been rooting through thick and thin (80s - 93). I am also a fan of the game and can respect other teams and players for a good game even at the expense of my team. But I do love a good rivalry so tease on!!!
Ozzy stepped aside and its now Black Sabbath / Judas Priest (with Halford singing) / Slayer
ok, my last post before the 4th. I always love these BBQ things. You never know if you're gonna get 10 people or 100.

BBQ info

I don't care who comes, as long as you don't blow up my house.
So I decided to go for my Masters Degree in Media Arts. I'm not even going to start until next spring or fall, but it's a big deal. I'll probably move up to Boston and go to Emerson, since it seems they have a better program than anything here in NY, even Columbia.

So now comes the fun part. Finding a job, and an apartment...
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ROADTRIP!!!! but wait them bars up there close soooo fucking early...
I lived through them sucking in the 80s and early 90s - 15 years worth of sucking. And we both get to share the joys of clobbering Boston biggrin
Listen. Plain and simple. If you don't like to drive over the speed limit, stay out of the left lane. And for god's sake, stop riding your brakes. If you're scared to be on the highway, take the streets!
uh oh there goes the neighborhood!
you and your damn bbq's! biggrin dam mit! I'm so jealous. I want to be there kiss
hahaha! tongue miao!!
I actually bought tickets for the Burlesque show Sunday. Even tho I will know NOBODY there. heh heh.
I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. I'd like to take another week off, off better yet, just get a new job.
I need one of those jobs where you don't need to think and get paid a lot of money. Like an TV exec or Radio programmer, ya know?
Blast! Why was I blessed with brains and not male model looks?! Then...
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We buried my mom today.
I realized a couple of things about myself while I was sitting in church.
I'm sad that she's not going to be here anymore, but I can be ok without her because she brought me up that way.
I'm thinking about how she and I used to make smartass remarks to each other all the time. She was ridiculously witty....
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whoa! You seem to be taking it well though. more props to you for that. stay strong. kiss
My condolences to your family.
My Mom passed away this morning.
I'm not going to be posting anything for a few days, for obvious reasons.
I'm coming to teh monday night wake, I just foudn out.
"Ah, we men and women are like ropes drawn tight with strain that pull us different ways. Then tears come, and like the rain on the ropes, they brace us up, until perhaps the strain become too great, and we break. But King Laugh he come like the sunshine, and he ease off the strain again; and we bear to go on with our labour,...
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Your advice is much appreciated!!!!! kiss thank you.
I'm overthinking things? why because I think people are total fucking cowards for not being upfront? or because I was really elaborate in my explanation?
It's not all in my head. This is an ongoing issue and I just wanted to vent. I don't mind other people's pov's. actually, I welcome them biggrin but I need a little more substance before I go and assume shit tongue tongue

nighty night kiss