A free month of SuicideGirls, you say? Why yes, I suppose I will come back to check it out. I am not too big of a fan of the new set up - but it was fun to see all the pictures of me from 6 years ago and the things I wrote. Har. Maybe I will keep the sub up, maybe not....

I drank until I sang Journey's "Lights" karaoke, then hugged about 15 random guys. Next I gave away one of my favorite bracelets, then got it back, then had a few more shots, then made $24 singing Hotel California, then fell in the parking lot. After puking on the side of my friend's car I rolled out into my front yard and screamed about going...
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sucks about your shirt...but the washing machine does wonders.
as far as your ass hanging out, well...things just have to be documented, nawmeen?
as far as your ass hanging out, well...things just have to be documented, nawmeen?
Thank god we only turn 21 once...although I have turned 22 twice!
Nice ass!

Nice ass!

Oh man, I seem to forget the internet exists every once in a while for a couple weeks then I can't lay off it for an entire day.
I've been a hermit who, once again, has a sinus infection. C'est la vie. I think (honestly) it was because I told a bunch of terribly horrible jokes one night and BAM! JeebusGodaWhat smote me the next...
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I've been a hermit who, once again, has a sinus infection. C'est la vie. I think (honestly) it was because I told a bunch of terribly horrible jokes one night and BAM! JeebusGodaWhat smote me the next...
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find the social
Whurr's you at, b?

It's been a minute since my last post. The a/c is out at my job, so today it was 93 degrees and I had to spend 7 hours at work (which I now affectionately refer to as Satan's Asshole). Also I apparently work with a total dumbass who loves money too much and I guy that I think I'll be having a hard time not...
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Woot for beer $$$. We need to hang out again soon.
See...that just highlights one more fundamental difference between Pirates and Ninjas. Pirates are man whores. Ninjas are responsible family men.
Honubandit is right. We really do need to hang out again soon. We can wax philosophic about how ninjas are superior.
Honubandit is right. We really do need to hang out again soon. We can wax philosophic about how ninjas are superior.
I have no voice.
I want to die.
I'm just super tired of being sick, and also just really tired in general ( I suppose it has something to do with the sick thing). I had to work today with a little sign taped to my boob that said "Nichole has laryngitis, sorries" and walk around with the same notepad and pen that I've been...
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I want to die.
I'm just super tired of being sick, and also just really tired in general ( I suppose it has something to do with the sick thing). I had to work today with a little sign taped to my boob that said "Nichole has laryngitis, sorries" and walk around with the same notepad and pen that I've been...
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[rubs palms together] ooooh, the Nekro's! so excited!
And by the way, NOTHIN', and I mean NOTHIN' says "How YOU doin'?" more than a court-date date. What with all the punishment, handcuffs, naughty up-tight lady Lawyers with their hair up in buns and such.. ROWR!
And by the way, NOTHIN', and I mean NOTHIN' says "How YOU doin'?" more than a court-date date. What with all the punishment, handcuffs, naughty up-tight lady Lawyers with their hair up in buns and such.. ROWR!
well yes. the date went very well. and again last night too!
Sunday's BBQ with all the people from SGHouston was fun as hell!
We hung out, drank, ate penis cookies and generally had a good time. Yup.
Downfall number one: I had to be at work at 9 a.m.
I was so tired the entire day that I ended up sleeping as soon as I got home and not waking up until 2 a.m.
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We hung out, drank, ate penis cookies and generally had a good time. Yup.
Downfall number one: I had to be at work at 9 a.m.
I was so tired the entire day that I ended up sleeping as soon as I got home and not waking up until 2 a.m.
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I am glad you had fun, and glad we could wear you out for work. Work is overrated anyways.
Like honubandit said, come out more often. We're always fun.
I am glad you had fun, and glad we could wear you out for work. Work is overrated anyways.
Like honubandit said, come out more often. We're always fun.
oh the uhhh... bowling alley!
it's in conroe. called like.. Conroe 300 Bowling. every monday night from 9:30 - 11:00pm is the $1 special.
i'll be sure to check the group more often. that's a promise.
it's in conroe. called like.. Conroe 300 Bowling. every monday night from 9:30 - 11:00pm is the $1 special.
i'll be sure to check the group more often. that's a promise.
Today I:
found out the guy I've been dating "knows the most amazing girl on the planet and he's never letting go of his baby, Kelly"
Hi, my name is Nichole.
I'm officially going into hiding. I think we may be "over" as they say. I can't even think of anything to say....
found out the guy I've been dating "knows the most amazing girl on the planet and he's never letting go of his baby, Kelly"
Hi, my name is Nichole.
I'm officially going into hiding. I think we may be "over" as they say. I can't even think of anything to say....
Wow that is kinda fucked up.
Soon I will no longer be a Hot Topic employee. Sad, but true. Possibly be managing at the Tinseltown on 290 though. Today I:
Woke up late
Bitched and Grumbled
Drove Casey to a friend's house
Went to Work
Went back to Casey's and Drank
Woke up late
Bitched and Grumbled
Drove Casey to a friend's house
Went to Work
Went back to Casey's and Drank
Well, hello.
welcome to SG and hello to you!

what fun hair and piercings