Chrsitmas was the same as usual with my family this year. It started off with me at work and ended with a giant monkey on the empire state building.
hope everyone had a good one. haven't spent a lot of time online this week, or sleeping for that matter. I'm not sure what i've been doing that consumed so much of my fucking time. oh wait, it was christmas.
On to the next godforsaken holiday - New Years.
okay so i wanted to throw a party, but the two places I wias considering throwing a party were already booked. Then i got three invites to all different NYE parties, and they are all lame. So here is my challenge to you...
Come up with something
I will bring, booze, music, drugs, hookers, or Vince Neil if i have to. I'm just half a step away from saying fuck it and lying in bed all night.
Which is redundant 'cause that's what I'm doing now.
hope everyone had a good one. haven't spent a lot of time online this week, or sleeping for that matter. I'm not sure what i've been doing that consumed so much of my fucking time. oh wait, it was christmas.
On to the next godforsaken holiday - New Years.
okay so i wanted to throw a party, but the two places I wias considering throwing a party were already booked. Then i got three invites to all different NYE parties, and they are all lame. So here is my challenge to you...
Come up with something
I will bring, booze, music, drugs, hookers, or Vince Neil if i have to. I'm just half a step away from saying fuck it and lying in bed all night.
Which is redundant 'cause that's what I'm doing now.

they are synonymous.
I have the same dilemna you do, I don't know what to do on NYE!