went to see my friend Adam's band play tonight. it was their CD release party, and i was dissapointed because I knew too many people there.
Oh well.
shamelss plug for adam: Adam's Band
check out his bio, but ignore the typos. i wrote it but didn't input it into the backend.I think a heroin junkie did. damn junkies.
(warning music is of singer/songwriter nature. those with extreme violent tendencies should listen, could induce calm happy feelings).
Oh well.
shamelss plug for adam: Adam's Band
check out his bio, but ignore the typos. i wrote it but didn't input it into the backend.I think a heroin junkie did. damn junkies.
(warning music is of singer/songwriter nature. those with extreme violent tendencies should listen, could induce calm happy feelings).
hahaha I hate when I know to many people at shows. I goto shows usually by myself lately, and sure it is good to know a few people but when I see everybody I never really wanted to see again askin for my number and askin to hangout again is bad.
still want souls?