I actually have my regular 2 days off this week! even though they suck (mondays and Tuesday) I don't really remember the last time I had them off, and I won't have them off again for at least a month
I guess I'll just read. I've almost finished the most recent Harry Potter book, then after that I read something by Robert Ludlum....
Isn't my life full of action? :p actually, it is. shit, I fucked up. now I mentioned it, something's going to happen soon...

I guess I'll just read. I've almost finished the most recent Harry Potter book, then after that I read something by Robert Ludlum....
Isn't my life full of action? :p actually, it is. shit, I fucked up. now I mentioned it, something's going to happen soon...

new things are always so...titillating
how do we make the old seem new..or is that not the solution
hi mr P