I'm starting to ask myself when I'll actually be completely happy :p The funny thing is there are times when I feel life is going ggreat, I'm really happy with the way things are etc. As soon as I reflect and say to myself "You know, things are pretty good right now.." Something happens that changes everything. Could I develop a phobia of being happy? That would be interesting.
I watched this movie that most people I know don't like, but I feel drawn to an aspect of it. That aspect is hate. Not to ramble on about the plot, coz it's irrelevant, one character ended up feeling that he had been wrong by life, the world. And he displayed such hatred for everything it was quite interesting to be me. The amount of bitterness he felt, anger. I wonder if it's possible. Hate is such a strong feeling. Like love is. And as they say, it's a thin line. Funny, this brings up the book I decided to write. It's basically, I guess you caould say philosophical. I tend to think a lot, try to dissect all the things around me, and draw some kind of conclusion about why it is so. Or maybe I'm just a dumbass who needs to get a hobbby. So now I decided to write the things I think about, as often as I can, and when I have a bunch, I'll take them all, expound on them and there will be my book. I must really think I'm such a wise guy for thinking people would want to read about what I think! :p
But anway, this comes up, because I just stumbled earlier on something that I was thinking about on Sunday and which I wrote down. So here is an excerpt of my thoughts, that I hope to one day explain in more depth. OK, disclaimers: This is a very raw thought, I haven't tried to refine to help it make more sense. It's just someone I was thinking about while I was working, wrote it down and it may be very general, not really aply to anything, but it just came to me. (though if it applies to nothing anyone can relate to, it would kinda suck coz then I'm wasting my time :p) But anyway, here goes. A sneak peak into my head.
A thin line between love and hate. It's almost a cliche now, yet, it's so true. Investing one's feelings into love is similar to taking a big risk, I think. because opening up and showing your hiddin self, though strengthening the bond between you, also is equivalent to putting yourself at their mercy, trusting that they won't abuse that privilege. And if they do, resentment comes into play. Then the hate. And the hate is so strong because it's not just that you hate them for what they did, but you also hate them because you love them. The depth of negative feelings that arise is more potent that the hate you feel for the annoying guy on the subway who keeps staring. In fact, that's not even hatred. When hate grows out of love,, now that's hatred. A thin line to cross. I guess that means that to truly hate in its purest form, you must first love. Interesting. reminds me of a song I once heard by a rap group called Sunz of Man. Part of the chorus went "It ain't no love without hate, It ain't no peace without war..."
Once again proof of the existence of the Yin and Yang. The balance of life that rules all things. The reason why you can never have your cake and eat it. Why everything is always a trade off. And perhaps why instead of seeking happiness, we should seek happiness in the now of our existence, instead of planning and building towards it. Because with all the trade offs we end up being forced to make, the joy we strive for may really be misery by the time we reach it.
That's life.
OK, so what do you folks think? SHould I continue or just keep my day job? :p And please don't hold back on the feedback coz I've never done anything like this before, so I need the truth
I watched this movie that most people I know don't like, but I feel drawn to an aspect of it. That aspect is hate. Not to ramble on about the plot, coz it's irrelevant, one character ended up feeling that he had been wrong by life, the world. And he displayed such hatred for everything it was quite interesting to be me. The amount of bitterness he felt, anger. I wonder if it's possible. Hate is such a strong feeling. Like love is. And as they say, it's a thin line. Funny, this brings up the book I decided to write. It's basically, I guess you caould say philosophical. I tend to think a lot, try to dissect all the things around me, and draw some kind of conclusion about why it is so. Or maybe I'm just a dumbass who needs to get a hobbby. So now I decided to write the things I think about, as often as I can, and when I have a bunch, I'll take them all, expound on them and there will be my book. I must really think I'm such a wise guy for thinking people would want to read about what I think! :p
But anway, this comes up, because I just stumbled earlier on something that I was thinking about on Sunday and which I wrote down. So here is an excerpt of my thoughts, that I hope to one day explain in more depth. OK, disclaimers: This is a very raw thought, I haven't tried to refine to help it make more sense. It's just someone I was thinking about while I was working, wrote it down and it may be very general, not really aply to anything, but it just came to me. (though if it applies to nothing anyone can relate to, it would kinda suck coz then I'm wasting my time :p) But anyway, here goes. A sneak peak into my head.
A thin line between love and hate. It's almost a cliche now, yet, it's so true. Investing one's feelings into love is similar to taking a big risk, I think. because opening up and showing your hiddin self, though strengthening the bond between you, also is equivalent to putting yourself at their mercy, trusting that they won't abuse that privilege. And if they do, resentment comes into play. Then the hate. And the hate is so strong because it's not just that you hate them for what they did, but you also hate them because you love them. The depth of negative feelings that arise is more potent that the hate you feel for the annoying guy on the subway who keeps staring. In fact, that's not even hatred. When hate grows out of love,, now that's hatred. A thin line to cross. I guess that means that to truly hate in its purest form, you must first love. Interesting. reminds me of a song I once heard by a rap group called Sunz of Man. Part of the chorus went "It ain't no love without hate, It ain't no peace without war..."
Once again proof of the existence of the Yin and Yang. The balance of life that rules all things. The reason why you can never have your cake and eat it. Why everything is always a trade off. And perhaps why instead of seeking happiness, we should seek happiness in the now of our existence, instead of planning and building towards it. Because with all the trade offs we end up being forced to make, the joy we strive for may really be misery by the time we reach it.
That's life.
OK, so what do you folks think? SHould I continue or just keep my day job? :p And please don't hold back on the feedback coz I've never done anything like this before, so I need the truth

Love and hate are different sides of the same coin. They both involve passion and one can often come from the other.
It's cliche because it holds basically true. That's why things become cliches....otherwise they wouldn't be as useful like...putting sprinkles at the bottom of the ice cream cone. I mean you still get the sprinkles but it isn't the same.
Writing, unless you are lucky or doing free form, involves a lot of carving. What you want is there, you just have to take away everything that isn't your book.
Good luck.
Take care mon friar.
keep up on the writing for sure. see where it goes and how far you can take it. You never know till you try.