So, I just lost my entire journal entry, and it sucks that I have to write it again. Coz this time, it wont be as heartfelt, Ill skip details, all because I hate doing the same thing twice. Most of the time. You can blame technology for depriving you of that true insight into my soul
So I spent the entire day chilling with 3 of my sisters. And listening to how my sis that I live with basically got rid of this guy she was dating. Sucks, guys the shaft like they were Richard Roundtree, but not in the cool way
But anyway, we hung out all day and quite a bit of the night, and we still get along! Thats rare! In fact, to add to the freakiness of it all, we were taking one sis to the airport, and we would never have made it on time for the flight if I hadnt taken over directions and guided us through a maze of traffic-jammed highways to reach the airport. I was as surprised as my sisters were! I think Im usually more of a fuck up when it comes to relating to my family.
But anyway, on a side note, Im looking at life, and Im laughing. Because I think the invisible hand that guides us all is fucking with me. Trying to make me revert to an old self that Ive given up long ago. I wasnt always a nice guy. And now, I think shit happens to me to make me regret being the person I am. Ive been stabbed in the back by too many people lately. At work, home So now I laugh, coz I see a side of me I buried peeking out, and reminding me of how well we did when we used to hang together. So I see life is trying to fuck me up, but its not happening. As much as I feel the urge to just say fuck it all, and check out, this life can kiss my ass. Im not leaving until Im good and ready, and Ill be who I am. Fuck letting the elements of this world change me. Ill change when I feel like it. And oh yes, I may never seem like it, but Im a fighter. And Ive been through hell, and Im ready for more. Hit me with your best shot. So I had a good day. You think I forgot tomorrow was coming? What about tomorrow? Itll be fucked up, I know it already. (This rant has been brought to you by someone whos sick of living the way he does, of not having his own home, and knowing that everything is slipping away. Welcome to my hell, where Joy and Pain switch places within the blink of an eye... time for change. It's in the works now.)
Folks, that felt good. Cheers!
So I spent the entire day chilling with 3 of my sisters. And listening to how my sis that I live with basically got rid of this guy she was dating. Sucks, guys the shaft like they were Richard Roundtree, but not in the cool way
But anyway, we hung out all day and quite a bit of the night, and we still get along! Thats rare! In fact, to add to the freakiness of it all, we were taking one sis to the airport, and we would never have made it on time for the flight if I hadnt taken over directions and guided us through a maze of traffic-jammed highways to reach the airport. I was as surprised as my sisters were! I think Im usually more of a fuck up when it comes to relating to my family.
But anyway, on a side note, Im looking at life, and Im laughing. Because I think the invisible hand that guides us all is fucking with me. Trying to make me revert to an old self that Ive given up long ago. I wasnt always a nice guy. And now, I think shit happens to me to make me regret being the person I am. Ive been stabbed in the back by too many people lately. At work, home So now I laugh, coz I see a side of me I buried peeking out, and reminding me of how well we did when we used to hang together. So I see life is trying to fuck me up, but its not happening. As much as I feel the urge to just say fuck it all, and check out, this life can kiss my ass. Im not leaving until Im good and ready, and Ill be who I am. Fuck letting the elements of this world change me. Ill change when I feel like it. And oh yes, I may never seem like it, but Im a fighter. And Ive been through hell, and Im ready for more. Hit me with your best shot. So I had a good day. You think I forgot tomorrow was coming? What about tomorrow? Itll be fucked up, I know it already. (This rant has been brought to you by someone whos sick of living the way he does, of not having his own home, and knowing that everything is slipping away. Welcome to my hell, where Joy and Pain switch places within the blink of an eye... time for change. It's in the works now.)
Folks, that felt good. Cheers!

I worked yesterday and I forgot you worked too! but today we shall talk and talk and talk ...