Light of dawn and its rays
New hope of new ways of live out our days
Light pushes darkness off
And the shadows become clear
There werent monsters after all
Just our fears, taking over our minds
Seeing visions of death that really meant life
So we worked against ourselves to live, yet not
But now in the twilight of my worst days
With the light of dawn and its rays
I have new hope of new ways to live out my days
Lights pushed away the darkness
And the shadows they werent monsters after all
Just my fears taking over the mind
I saw visions of death that were really my life
But I worked against my best at the expense of all else
But from the east comes new hope,
Its a new day
I slept like a baby!!!
New hope of new ways of live out our days
Light pushes darkness off
And the shadows become clear
There werent monsters after all
Just our fears, taking over our minds
Seeing visions of death that really meant life
So we worked against ourselves to live, yet not
But now in the twilight of my worst days
With the light of dawn and its rays
I have new hope of new ways to live out my days
Lights pushed away the darkness
And the shadows they werent monsters after all
Just my fears taking over the mind
I saw visions of death that were really my life
But I worked against my best at the expense of all else
But from the east comes new hope,
Its a new day

I slept like a baby!!!

*claps* well done!!!!!