I hate... mad

I don't being taken advantage of

moods change so easily. mad
My mood changes like the current of the water.

hope your mood changes back soon smile

edited to say : you must know who i am. at least I assume you do.

[Edited on Oct 28, 2003 9:22PM]
right on buddy! how's the day today?
I think I talked "her" into staying here with us wink
do you have aim? much easier than talking through here.
I actually have my regular 2 days off this week! even though they suck (mondays and Tuesday) I don't really remember the last time I had them off, and I won't have them off again for at least a month frown

I guess I'll just read. I've almost finished the most recent Harry Potter book, then after that I read something by Robert Ludlum....

Isn't my...
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long chats online? do tell!
new things are always so...titillating
how do we make the old seem new..or is that not the solution

hi mr P
Went to see Manson Wednesday with my Precious. Good times!!!! Besides the beginnig when we almost got crushed to death :p

And after the concert, here I was stuffing my face with McDonald's fries (they're like a drug, I tell you!) and next thing I know, I swallowed my tongue piercing!!! eeek shit that's never happened! But I got another one in now! and I know...
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did you read my journal yet? how sad huh? frown

glad you had fun wink
ok...I think it's clear now...tongue

btw. I'm not going today. I thought about it and realized that I don't owe anyone shit so I'm not going.

love kiss
Well here's a funny story for all of you...

Today's my day off. So I'm home coking dinner, preparing for a nice peadeful evening (it'a bout 6 p.m.) and I get a phone call. I pick up, and they're like "so, did you know you're supposed to be working overtime tonight?"

I'm like really? I thought it was tomorrow...

"no, we have you down as...
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that just totally sucks!!! tongue
well, at least you have tomorrow off smile
No wonder money is referred to as 'liquid'. I just got paid last week, and I had to pay for a bunch of things (bills never seem to go away), and I'd been meaning all week to check my bank balance, but never got around to it. So today, I'm idling at work and decide to check it and ... oh shit! need I say...
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I've been "hiding" in Chicago. Went on a sort of spiritual-find-myself-flying-roadtrip kind of thing. I'll explain more when I update.

Glad you're enjoying your bankrupcy, bud. wink
yea crashing cars is no fun. my car is probably totalled. it was running but over heated not far from where i crashed it. so it is leaking lots of vital fluids. it doesn't really matter because i am ok.
so... my sis has a stalker! eeek I know it's serious, but still kinda interesting. she stopped seeing this guy this past weekend, and next thing you know, he calling very half hour leaving threatning messages, then being nice... surreal Totally nutty! I told her to call the cops quick! Tomorrow, I'll have to make sure she did. What a loser that guy! mad

on another aspect of...
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oh shit! I spoke to you last night and totally forgot to mention Thursday. I saw Terry again. At first it was wierd but after like 5 minutes it was back to the way it used to be. smile I guess there's hope after all.

last night I fell asleep...I woke up at 4 am and I was like shit! I think i missed his call! tongue
hey you! I just wanted to tell ya...kiss
Today I actually did something cool. I bought a new phone!!!! yay! coz my old phone was so fucked up it was actually tainting my quality of life.

If that wasn't cool enough, I was supposed to have to put down a $1,000 deposit (yes folks, that's how great my credit is...) and they waived it, so no deposit!!!

And if that's not cool enough...
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I love new phones! I was thrilled when I got mine, but now I want to throw it 'cause people call me on it. confused

So, you're an editor, huh? Of what kind of publication? Any insight you have to offer would be most appreciated.
hi. yes, sorry i haven't been paying attention to you lately! today continued to get worse, believe it or not. i had to play for 4 hours tonight and it hurt like a sonofabitch. luckily i was smart enough to recruit people to keep my ice bag filled the whole time, so every single second i wasn't using my left hand, i was icing it. still hurts like crap though, and it very swollen. tomorrow i have to play from 830-230. arghhhh. the hard part is actually trying to play without using my left thumb. it's tricky enough when i know the music, but tonight i did a lot of sightreading.

what tops off the whole day? i forgot to tape E.R.!!! blackeyed
I'm starting to ask myself when I'll actually be completely happy :p The funny thing is there are times when I feel life is going ggreat, I'm really happy with the way things are etc. As soon as I reflect and say to myself "You know, things are pretty good right now.." Something happens that changes everything. Could I develop a phobia of being happy?...
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I think you should keep yer day job...AND keep writing. No sense being a writer if you can't buy a pencil damnit!
Love and hate are different sides of the same coin. They both involve passion and one can often come from the other.
It's cliche because it holds basically true. That's why things become cliches....otherwise they wouldn't be as useful like...putting sprinkles at the bottom of the ice cream cone. I mean you still get the sprinkles but it isn't the same.
Writing, unless you are lucky or doing free form, involves a lot of carving. What you want is there, you just have to take away everything that isn't your book.
Good luck.
Take care mon friar. smile
I learned that hate does stem from love. The most hate-filled people are the ones that have been hurt the most.

keep up on the writing for sure. see where it goes and how far you can take it. You never know till you try.smile

So, I just lost my entire journal entry, and it sucks that I have to write it again. Coz this time, it wont be as heartfelt, Ill skip details, all because I hate doing the same thing twice. Most of the time. You can blame technology for depriving you of that true insight into my soul

So I spent the entire day chilling with 3...
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I'll call you today.
I worked yesterday and I forgot you worked too! but today we shall talk and talk and talk ...
**edit** I got sick of my whining so I took it all out. Here's what's left :p Stars denote the censored sections..... wow, I'm a censor now! biggrin

I'm back! Seems I've missed quite a bit too! new design (which explains why I couldn't get on this site all week). But anyway, it's all good now. Now in my life, but when is that ever good?...
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kind of like a forensics show on discovery but with an autopsy instead....reallly cool. hope youre doin better adios smile
Glad things are lookin a little brighter. smile Sucks about the cell phone though. I have a cell phone that I only use to store numbers so I know how that is.
And kids are awsome....when you can return them to their parents. Get em all hyped up and bouncing off the walls...then hand them back. biggrin
If the way I feel right now is any indication, I'm not going to be very happy for the rest of this year... frown

So I hated my landlady and I fianlly had to move, so I moved back in with my sis, who lives about 1 hour away from my job, and almost 2 hours from NYC. eeek It's so far, I feel completely cut off...
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thanks for the birthday love.

3 months isn't a very long time.
i bet you could put it to good use.
necessity IS the mother of invention, afterall.

my prescription for a little mood booster:
do something really nice for your sister to let her know how much you appreciate her opening her home to you. tell her how much it means to you and all sorts of gratitude stuff. maybe you guys will have a nice super lovey moment. and then everyone walks away with a smile.

remember: it's up to YOU to make your life happy.. or not.
Dude, you could never lose cool points! I am sorry, though, that things all are shitty. I know it's easy for me to say...well, actually, it's not because I feel the same way you do about where I'm living now, too, so I'm going to say it. It's somewhere to live for the time being. It's better than being on the street and also, it's really better than living with your landlady. It may not be your stuff, but at least she is out of your hair. And furthermore, young man, wink you're still cool in my book, even if you don't like cheese.

Chin up, buttercup! It's fall! It's Halloween! You know what that means, right? Free candy! biggrin
Hvaen't had a chance to update in forver!!! (what with moving and all)

Alright, so I've moved out... that's like the end of chapter for me. Can't wait till I quit my job, then it'll complete the circle!

I wonder how it'll be to live with my sis in Connecticut. In the past when we've lived together, we didn't really get along frown but hopefully, it'll...
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yes but as far as you know, i did it the legit way. that's my point. my very very non french point.

i hate having roomates....always problems.....but im sure u can work it.......good luck......