This old fart
Likes old art
And new nudes
Just not dudes
Some geezers are pleasers
Sexy sober disrobers
Their keisters are compelling
Their tats are story telling
Some have conquered demons
Some are making lemons
Out of the Lemonade of Life.
There is a lightness to their strife.
They encourage and take courage
They savor emerging flavors
They do more than just endure age:
They turn it to their favor
Likes old art
And new nudes
Just not dudes
Some geezers are pleasers
Sexy sober disrobers
Their keisters are compelling
Their tats are story telling
Some have conquered demons
Some are making lemons
Out of the Lemonade of Life.
There is a lightness to their strife.
They encourage and take courage
They savor emerging flavors
They do more than just endure age:
They turn it to their favor
i appreciate it